Tram at Snowbird resort Data Compression Conference (DCC)  Sponsored by The IEEE Signal Processing Society

Call for Papers


Snowbird, Utah (all sessions at the Cliff Lodge). More >


Tuesday March 21 - Friday March 24, 2023
Reception: Tuesday evening
Presentations: Wednesday - Friday

Keynote Addresses

"Perception: The Next Milestone in Learned Image Compression"
Dr. Johannes Ballé

"Pangenomic FM-Indexes: Alignment and Beyond"
Prof. Travis Gagie
Dalhousie University

Special Sessions

"Video Coding and Quality Assessment"
Session Coordinators:
Yan Ye, Alibaba Group
Gary Sullivan, Microsoft Research
Yuriy Reznik, Brightcove, Inc.
Jizheng Xu, Bytedance, Inc.
"Machine Learning in Compression"
Session Coordinators:
Johannes Ballé, Google
Hamid Jafarkhani, University of California Irvine
Thomas Richter, Fraunhofer IIS
Aaron B. Wagner, Cornell University


  • University of Arizona and Brandeis University
  • Microsoft Research
  • IEEE Signal Processing Society (technical cosponsorship)

Proceedings published by

IEEE Computer Society Press CPS Online. More >

Program Committee

  • Michael W. Marcellin, University of Arizona (DCC Co-Chair)
  • James A. Storer, Brandeis University (DCC Co-Chair)
  • Ali Bilgin, University of Arizona (Committee Co-Chair)
  • Joan Serra-Sagrista, U. Autonoma de Barcelona (Committee Co-Chair)
  • James E. Fowler, Mississippi State University (Publicity Chair)
  • Johannes Ballé, Google
  • Charles D. Creusere, New Mexico State University
  • Travis Gagie, Dalhousie University
  • Hamid Jafarkhani, University of California Irvine
  • Dominik Kempa, Stony Brook University
  • Henrique Malvar, Microsoft Research
  • Giovanni Manzini, University of Pisa
  • Giovanni Motta, Google, Inc.
  • Gonzalo Navarro, University of Chile
  • Yakov Nekrich, Michigan Technological University
  • Jan Østergaard, Aalborg University
  • Nicola Prezza, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
  • Majid Rabbani, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Yuriy Reznik, Brightcove, Inc.
  • Thomas Richter, Fraunhofer IIS
  • Victor Sanchez, University of Warwick
  • Khalid Sayood, University of Nebraska
  • Peter Schelkens, Vrijie Universiteit Brussel
  • Rahul Shah, Louisiana State University
  • Dana Shapira, Ariel University
  • Ofer Shayevitz, Tel Aviv University
  • Gary J. Sullivan, Microsoft Corporation
  • Aaron B. Wagner, Cornell University
  • Jiangtao Wen, Tsinghua University
  • Jizheng Xu, Bytedance Inc.
  • En-hui Yang, University of Waterloo
  • Yan Ye, Alibaba Group
  • Peng Yin, Dolby Laboratories, Inc.


An international forum for current work on data compression and related applications. Both theoretical and experimental work are of interest. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: Lossless and lossy compression for storage and transmission of specific types of data (including text, gray scale and color photographs, multi-spectral and hyper-spectral images, palette images, video, movies, audio, music, maps, instrument and sensor data, space data, earth observation data, scientific data, weather data, medical data, graphics data, geometry data, 3D representations, animation, bi-level images / bit-maps, web content, web graphs, etc.), source coding, source coding in multiple access networks, joint source-channel coding, rate distortion coding, rate allocation, multiple description coding, quantization theory, vector quantization (VQ), multiple description VQ, transform based methods (including DCT and wavelet transforms), parallel compression algorithms and hardware, error resilient compression techniques, adaptive compression algorithms, browsing and searching compressed data, compressed data structures, applications to immersive media, inpainting-based compression, perceptual coding, visual search, object recognition, applications of neural networks and deep learning (e.g. CNN's) to compression, string searching and manipulation used in compression applications, fractal based compression methods, information retrieval employing compression techniques, steganography / hidden information with respect to compressed data, minimal length encoding and applications to learning, system issues relating to data compression (including error control, data security, indexing, and browsing), compression applications and issues for computational biology and bioinformatics, compression applications and issues for the internet, compression applications and issues for mobile computing, applications of compression to file distribution and software updates, applications of compression to file storage and backup systems, applications of compression to data mining, applications of compression to image retrieval, applications of compression and information theory to human-computer interaction (HCI), development of and extensions to compression standards (including the HEVC, JPEG, MPEG,, and families and including compression of specific image types such as plenoptic images, point cloud images, and light field images), compressed sensing / compressive sampling, and the use of techniques from information theory and data compression in networking, communications, and storage of large data sets.

Submission Format

All submitted manuscripts must be PDF files that satisfy:

  • Each page should have a top margin of 1 inch and a left margin of 1.25 inches, and the text area on each page should be 9 inches high by 6 inches wide.
  • Do NOT use a two-column format; all submissions must have a single column format.
  • Use 12 point type.
  • The first page must begin with the title centered at the top, with the authors and their affiliations below the title. (DCC reviewing is single-blind, where the identities of the reviewers are anonymous, but the author names and affiliations are on the manuscript.) Following the title and authors, should be a short abstract, and following the abstract should be the start of the first section.
  • Manuscripts may NOT be more than 10 pages TOTAL, including all references, figures, tables, notes, and appendices.
    Note: In the case of an image or video that requires viewing to access visual quality, for optional use by a referee, a reduced size but reasonably viewable image or representative video frame may appear in the manuscript along with a link to the image or the video. In the case of audio, for optional use by a referee, a description of the audio material may be accompanied by a link to the audio.
  • Here is a link to template of a formatted page:
    DCC Template (pdf)
  • Submissions must be in PDF format, but here are some files that may be useful for preparation:
    MS Word sample source file (.doc)

    LaTeX sample source files (zip folder)

Manuscripts may be submitted for consideration as full paper or poster, or for consideration as poster only. Manuscripts submitted for consideration as poster only must still submit a thorough description of the work for review (NOT a one page summary).

Manuscripts accepted as papers will be presented at a technical session of the conference and have a final draft of at most 10 pages in the DCC proceedings. Manuscripts accepted as posters will be presented at the DCC poster session and have a one page summary in the DCC proceedings.

For inclusion in the DCC proceedings, an accepted manuscript requires the same formatting as for submission, the only difference being that manuscripts accepted as papers are limited to 10 pages and manuscripts accepted as posters are limited to one page.

Submission Instructions

Submissions must be submitted electronically; by November 1, 11:59pm U.S. Pacific Time. DCC observes the IEEE policy on confidentiality of submitted manuscripts.

A link to DCC submissions will be posted here in September.

Author Notification

Authors will be notified via email in late December of acceptance as a paper, acceptance as a poster, or rejection. Accepted manuscripts must be submitted electronically; the due date will be in early January. The letter of acceptance will include the exact due date, directions on where and how to make the electronic submission of the final manuscript, and directions for submitting a proceedings copyright form. (Do not include a copyright form with your submission; instead, wait until your submission has been accepted and you receive directions.)


What's covered


DCC Call for Papers (PDF)